
九年级优秀英语作文(二十一 )作者:9年1班于乔

作者:二〇一六级(9年1班)于乔 来源: 实验学校审核:曹桂馥上传:刘威更新时间:2018-10-23 09:10

Dear Mike,

You want to know something about our Sring Festival, right? Now let me tell you.

It’s the most important traditional festival in China. We often put paper cuttings on the windows or doors . On the eve of the festival, all families get together and have a big dinner. And the most interesting thing is getting lucky money . We can use it to do everything we like. Setting off fireworks is also interesting. But it is kind of dangerous for us . We have to visit relatives. And there is no need for us to do our homework. How good!

I want to know something about Christmas, too. Could you please tell me about that?

Best wishes!


                                                                                                                                                                        Liu Wei
