
第一期七年级优秀英语作文(一) 作者:7年16班周日田


作者:二〇一六级(7年16班)周日田 来源: 锦州市实验学校审核:曹桂馥上传:王美艳更新时间:2016-12-15 11:14
John’s Room

I have a friend. He’s John. This is a photo of his room. His room is very nice and tidy. Look, the tape and the cap are on the sofa. He has a blue notebook. It’s under the bed. There is a clock and a tape player on the desk. His schoolbag is on the chair.
There are some photos and a photo of his family on the wall.

John loves his room very much. And he often keeps it tidy.
